MeetTom Martin

Commercial Operations Manager
Commercial Operations Manager at hundo
Commercial Operations Manager at

Tom Martin: Finance-savvy Commercial Operations Manager, driving profitability through strategic financial management.

When not diving into financial figures, you'll find me pumping iron at the gym or immersed in the virtual realm of gaming.

Check out our conversation with Tom

Tell us a little bit about your role at hundo...

As a Commercial Operations Manager, I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the business.

What inspired you to follow your current career path, and how did you get started in this field?

At 16, I didn't know what I wanted to do. My math teacher approached me and asked if I'd like to take accounting in sixth form as it was the first year my school offered this course. Having no other options and loving numbers, I agreed to the course and completed the first year. After that, I decided I wanted to pursue a career in accounting, so I researched what I needed to do. I found out that I could go to college and gain my AAT qualifications. The skills I gained from these qualifications allowed me to not only get a job in accounting but to progress to where I am now.

What are the most important skills and qualities for success in your job?

In any accounting position, attention to detail and ethical behaviour are essential skills/qualities.

What does a typical working day look like for you?

The typical day for me involves making sure the company's finances are in order and the business functions properly. I would do bank reconciliations, pay vendors, chase customers, sort payroll, and handle month-end duties.

What are some misconceptions about your job or industry, and how would you address them?

“Operations management sounds boring” - There is such a wide range of stuff to do, and you are not always doing the same thing every day so nothing feels repetitive.

Do you have any tips for maintaining a good work-life balance?

One tip I should follow but don't is to turn off emails/Slack notifications after work has been completed, because there is no need to respond at 9pm!

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?

Researching and planning what you want to do is essential, as there are many paths in accounting, and your goals may change as time goes on, but having a plan will help you get there faster.

If you could give your younger self one bit of career advice what would it be?

Don’t stress about having your life together at the age of 18-20 because you aren’t even a 1/4 of your life in!

When you face failures or setbacks, how do you handle them, and what have you been able to learn from these experiences?

If you face failure or can’t figure something out, take a step back and leave it for 5/10 minutes and go for a walk or get some air. Having a clear head when tackling again is more beneficial than staring at the problem.

What's the craziest or most interesting thing that's happened to you at work?

I went on a ski trip 3 months into being at the company - highly recommended!

If you could switch careers for a day, what job would you choose and why?

I’ve always wanted to try out a sales role because for one of my previous jobs I worked at a Vauxhall garage and wished I gave it a go.

If your job had a mascot, what would it be and why?

A finance mascot would have to be a bag of money or a calculator.

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

I would love to have super strength, mainly because I love the gym.

What are your most commonly used emojis?


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