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5 brands that are actively embracing the metaverse

Find out how these companies are taking web3 in their stride



As you may know by now, we're fully embracing the metaverse at hundo HQ, and incorporating web3 consistently into our future. And we aren’t the only ones with an eye for the unrivalled potential of the metaverse space. The drum recently published a feature highlighting the big brands that have welcomed the metaverse with open arms. Here's who is getting involved in the metaverse!

Massive luxury fashion house Gucci is just one of many big names that are hopping on board the metaverse. As you might have read in our metaverse fashion week report, fashion and the metaverse have a healthy relationship, with fashion's biggest players making huge waves in web3. A recent collaboration with online gaming giants Roblox has seen Gucci use the platform to showcase their digital collection targeted at Gen Z. We’ve also seen the likes of Balenciaga and Nike hop on the virtual collection trend, and we expect that many more fashion brands will be moving into this space. Gucci even has a Discord channel titled Gucci Vault to facilitate metaverse conversation - Father, Son and House of Gucci!

Facebook (Meta)
When the metaverse was merely an abstract concept to the majority of us, Mark Zuckerburg announced an etymological shift from Facebook to Meta. But this wasn’t just a name change, this was a change of direction for the social media monopoly. Since the Meta announcement, Zuckerburg has made it clear that his goal is for Meta to bring the metaverse to life and help businesses. 

No, Disney isn’t creating a specialised NFT collection or branching into the world of creating filters. But they are tapping into the fantasy side of the metaverse; last December, they filed a patent for a truly virtual Disney World! The virtual world would reproduce one of Disney’s famous theme parks, would be ‘highly immersive’ and wouldn’t require an AR headset. Whilst the team as Disney has hinted that this patent is just an indication of things to come in the future, and would not happen immediately, they are interested in taking the storytelling side of the Disney franchise into web3.

Coca Cola
Coca Cola auctioned off one of a kind NFTs demonstrating their awareness of the metaverse. One NFT collection was sold for just over half a million dollars, with the proceeds going to charity. The head of global strategy for Coca Cola reiterated that the metaverse is set to enhance everyday experiences within the digital world. 

Hyundai Motor
Last year, motoring company Hyundai moved into the metaverse when they launched ‘Hyundai Mobility Adventure’, a metaverse space that lives in Roblox featuring Hyundai’s most advanced products. The space also offers users digital characters and avatars, allowing them to interact with one another within web3. Their goal, not dissimilar to hundo's, is to innovate the company's relationships with young people through this virtual world! 

Words: Grace Goslin

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