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Navigating the Future: A Deep Dive into Career CoPilot with hundo's team

hundo's team does a deep dive into what hundo's new Career CoPilot tool is and how it's a game changer for educators, teachers and young people. Hear from Scott Byrne-Fraser, hundo's Technical Co-founder, Jennifer Barnett, Head of People and Culture and Nadiyah Rajabally, Head of Marketing!

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Nadiyah Rajabally: Thanks, Luke. Hello, everyone. And welcome to hundo's Career CoPilot launch. I'm Nadiyah, Head of Marketing at hundo, and I'm here with the wonderful Technical Co-Founder, Scott and Head of People Culture, Jen. So I know that everyone's wondering what is Career CoPilot? Now we have all the questions as we go in the deep dive into what it is. So welcome guys. Thank you for joining us today in the studio. So let's dive straight into the questions. Scott, what are you most, most excited about with career CoPilot? 

Scott Byrne-Fraser: It's a really good question. We work with such a diverse range of students from so many different backgrounds with so many different interests and so many different potential career paths.
What I'm really excited about CareerCoPilot is because we've trained this model on over 10,000 organisations. We've got about 200 different industries in there and potentially up to 200,000 different roles. The diversity and the different types of routes that students can go down and different career paths students can explore is really exciting to think about the different options that are available to them.

Nadiyah Rajabally: Yeah, definitely. So Jen, how does Career CoPilot help students in remote areas, especially in distant areas where there's not much companies and organisational opportunities, to discover new industries and careers that they may have never heard of such as space industry and cyber security? 

Jennifer Barnett: Yeah, so, I mean, as Scott said, Career CoPilot is trained with, you know, 10,000 companies, so whether you're on the, you know, remote highlands or The Southwest coast of England, um, you will be able to find and discover industries that you've never heard of.
Um, you can get insights and knowledge on what those companies are, what they do, and what sort of roles there are. And there's no barriers. There's no geographical barriers. It doesn't matter if you've never seen that company before, you've never heard of it, you've never seen their building or their office, it's irrelevant, you know, Career CoPilot has no geographical barriers and, um, yeah, it's open for everyone, no matter where you are.

Nadiyah Rajabally: And that's, yeah, that's really good. And obviously I know that hundo wants to tap into the global space with some of the partnerships that we have, which I know you're going to dive into later. So, Jen, in what ways can Career CoPilot benefit career advisors, teachers and educators? 

Jennifer Barnett: Good question and it can benefit all those people. Career CoPilot isn't here to replace teachers or educators or career guidance counsellors or people working in career guidance. It's really a support tool to enhance everybody's great work that they're already doing. And Career CoPilot is 24/7, you know, it's available 24/7. So, as much as, you know, teachers and everyone else does a fantastic job, they can't be there all the time and Career CoPilot can.

And it can be there from the start of someone's career journey through to, you know, getting a job. You might discover a role you're interested in Career CoPilot, um, have multiple conversations that will lead to an actual role that you want to apply for. And it can support you from the start of that journey right to the end of that journey.

Um, and it takes the pressure and the stress off, off teachers and off career guidance, um, counsellors because they know they can't be available all the time. But they want the best for their students and they want the best for, um, everyone to do the very best in their careers that they're interested in.

So, it's really here to support everybody. not just the students, but educators, teachers, you know, people in career guidance positions. 

[00:03:32] Nadiyah Rajabally: So Scott, following on what Jen has said, how does the admin section benefit schools and the career counsellors? 

[00:03:39] Scott Byrne-Fraser: I think one of the key things about what we've built is full control for colleges, uh, educators, career advisors to be able to guide their students.

So within hundo, you can select the students that get access to the platform. You can get insight into how they're using the platform with their confidential confidentiality in mind. Of course, protecting children and protecting the students is ultimately what we're trying to do with the platform as well.

So that full control that. Full privacy is incredibly useful. And that insight really helps guide career guidance counsellors in terms of what they're trying to do. 

Nadiyah Rajabally: Yeah, definitely. I'm sure a lot of our viewers want to know, how do you handle user's data to ensure data privacy and protection and it's user data is used to train the AI model?

Scott Byrne-Fraser: Privacy is really important to us. It's really critical, particularly the audience that we're working with. When you sign up to hundo, all your information is encrypted. It's stored on encrypted databases here in the UK. You have total control over the additional information that you put in. So when you sign up, you add your name and email address, date of birth, and that's it. Everything else is voluntary, and you as a student on the platform can choose what additional information you put in there. Everything within the AI CoPilot is again, voluntary. So you can choose what information goes in there. You can remove any information from your profile whenever you want to. None of that information is then used to actually train our model. further. We're very selective about the information that we use to train that model. So we put safeguards in place to ensure that your privacy is protected. And then the other key thing is that we ensure that when you're using the platform, there are safeguards in place so that it keeps you on track with a career conversation.
And if you do have conversations with it that take it off piste, it brings you back into the career conversation. 

Nadiyah Rajabally: Sounds so exciting. Jen, could you share any success stories? Or positive feedback from users that have benefited from hundo's Career CoPilot. 

Jennifer Barnett: Yeah, we've had some really good user testing, um, we've had students in a college, uh, in a big city in the North of England. Um, we've had students from a school, really, really remote school on the southwest coast of England down in Cornwall. Um, and we've even had a college in, in South Africa testing, uh, and trying out Career CoPilot. And the feedback's been really good, really positive. Um, students have found it really useful, really insightful.
Um, they've really just loved discovering all the different roles out there. And I think importantly, everyone's enjoyed it, you know, they're not bored, they're engaged, they're learning all the time. Um, so yeah, we're really buoyed up by the, by the positive feedback so far and look forward to receiving more.

Nadiyah Rajabally: That's great, and obviously hundo is global, even though we're our main target audience in the UK, we are looking at global with our South Africa audience. So Scott, considering the platform's engagement with a younger audience, what safety measures have you taken to ensure online safety for all our users?

Scott Byrne-Fraser: First off, it starts with privacy and control of your information. As I mentioned before, you have total control over the information of which you put on the platform. Secondly, we've been robustly testing it to ensure that the conversation that take place on it, guide you in the right direction. So. When you're speaking about careers, it keeps you on track with your careers.
When you're asking for additional information, how to, for instance, structure your CV, it guides you through that. You can ask it anything and it will always direct you to the right help or the right type of material to support you. So it shouldn't make up information. It shouldn't ever guide you in a way that will not be beneficial to you as an individual. So that's incredibly important, and we're constantly adapting it and changing it. So we're constantly looking at feedback we get from users. We're constantly stress testing it ourselves to ensure that it is a robust place and safe place for people to be able to properly explore their careers.

Nadiyah Rajabally: Yeah, and that's really important, making sure it's a safe place, especially online. Diving more into the tool, Scott, what makes it so unique? 

Scott Byrne-Fraser: Really good question. What makes us particularly unique is the way that we're approaching AI. We're using contextual AI which understands where you are on the platform. It understands what you're currently looking at. It understands whether you're looking at an employer, whether you're interested in working for that employer, or just exploring an industry, and it tailors the conversation based on that. It also remembers your chat history, so it understands the conversations it had with you in the past. So combined, this creates quite a unique and wealthy conversation that you can have with the AI to help guide you. Combined with the content that We've trained it on gives you a really fulfilling experience, and it's something that most a idols don't currently do. 

Nadiyah Rajabally: Interesting. Now, Jen, looking at mental health, obviously, such an important topic when it comes to young people. So how can career copilot be trained to help with mental health, especially when looking for jobs and opportunities? Because it will cause a lot of anxiety, stress. So how can hundo help with that? 

Jennifer Barnett: Yeah, that's another good question. Um, obviously, if you're a young person and you're thinking about what to study at A level or you've done your A levels and now you're thinking, you know, what can I study at university or you're just still at school and you're like, you know, what's my next move?
Um, it is stressful. Um, I completely understand that, you know, it's been stressful when I was at school and that, that hasn't disappeared. Um, I think the beauty of Career CoPilot is it, it's there to support and complement the career guidance that students will already get at their school or at their college. Um, and it, it enhances it essentially.
Um, so, and then. By default, because of that, it takes away some of the stress. So, students are making decisions based on discovering more about their skill set and what their skills are suited for and what possible roles and opportunities there are out there. Instead of just guessing, or instead of just thinking, Okay, well I, I know I'm quite good at maths, or I know I'm quite good at English.
It's, it gives a broader scope of, of where you can go and what skills and what roles you might. Want to further develop and what career that might point you towards And it's there 24/7 as well, you know career guidance counsellors are great and you know career CoPilots never going to replace them, but they're not there all the time you might watch something on TV and feel really inspired and be like wow I want to really work in space tech. You can go on career CoPilot, any time, day or night and find out more and then you can go to school or college the next day and have a conversation with your career guidance counsellor and say, look, I've watched a TV show about this. I've asked career CoPilots some questions. Let's explore this together further. And it's just a really nice complementary system that definitely definitely will alleviate stress in those sort of key sort of decision making times of student lives. So yeah, it's gonna be really helpful.

Nadiyah Rajabally: Yeah, and that's super important I know that Scott that we have trained the AI to help with mental health and that it does give pointers and direction. Could you dive a little bit more about how it helps? 

Scott Byrne-Fraser: Yeah, it's a really good question We obviously have built Career CoPilot to help and guide people with career decisions and to help people take their first steps into a career. We also appreciate that that's quite a stressful time for people as well.
There's a lot going on in people's lives, particularly when you're at college or when you're at university. We train the model with advice to help students with whatever they come and ask it about. Now, Career CoPilot for students is not for mental health. But, if you do ask a mental health question to it, it will guide you in the right direction to get the support that you need. It will push you to the right contacts to be able to get the correct support. 

Nadiyah Rajabally: And that's really important. And yeah, career copilot, the main aim is obviously career guidance, but also if we need support and help, young people can get that support and help. Now, we're sadly running out of time. And I know that we could sit here for ages talking about Career CoPilot and dive even more into it.
I hope that our viewers have had now a glimpse of what it is and what to expect. And that's a wrap guys. I'm super excited for everyone to dive into Career CoPilot and I hope you enjoy the rest of the day. Make sure to sign up for a demo and our waitlist at and follow us on all our socials. I hope you enjoy the rest of our event and thank you for joining us today and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day.


Nadiyah Rajabally: Thanks, Luke. Hello, everyone. And welcome to hundo's Career CoPilot launch. I'm Nadiyah, Head of Marketing at hundo, and I'm here with the wonderful Technical Co-Founder, Scott and Head of People Culture, Jen. So I know that everyone's wondering what is Career CoPilot? Now we have all the questions as we go in the deep dive into what it is. So welcome guys. Thank you for joining us today in the studio. So let's dive straight into the questions. Scott, what are you most, most excited about with career CoPilot? 

Scott Byrne-Fraser: It's a really good question. We work with such a diverse range of students from so many different backgrounds with so many different interests and so many different potential career paths.
What I'm really excited about CareerCoPilot is because we've trained this model on over 10,000 organisations. We've got about 200 different industries in there and potentially up to 200,000 different roles. The diversity and the different types of routes that students can go down and different career paths students can explore is really exciting to think about the different options that are available to them.

Nadiyah Rajabally: Yeah, definitely. So Jen, how does Career CoPilot help students in remote areas, especially in distant areas where there's not much companies and organisational opportunities, to discover new industries and careers that they may have never heard of such as space industry and cyber security? 

Jennifer Barnett: Yeah, so, I mean, as Scott said, Career CoPilot is trained with, you know, 10,000 companies, so whether you're on the, you know, remote highlands or The Southwest coast of England, um, you will be able to find and discover industries that you've never heard of.
Um, you can get insights and knowledge on what those companies are, what they do, and what sort of roles there are. And there's no barriers. There's no geographical barriers. It doesn't matter if you've never seen that company before, you've never heard of it, you've never seen their building or their office, it's irrelevant, you know, Career CoPilot has no geographical barriers and, um, yeah, it's open for everyone, no matter where you are.

Nadiyah Rajabally: And that's, yeah, that's really good. And obviously I know that hundo wants to tap into the global space with some of the partnerships that we have, which I know you're going to dive into later. So, Jen, in what ways can Career CoPilot benefit career advisors, teachers and educators? 

Jennifer Barnett: Good question and it can benefit all those people. Career CoPilot isn't here to replace teachers or educators or career guidance counsellors or people working in career guidance. It's really a support tool to enhance everybody's great work that they're already doing. And Career CoPilot is 24/7, you know, it's available 24/7. So, as much as, you know, teachers and everyone else does a fantastic job, they can't be there all the time and Career CoPilot can.

And it can be there from the start of someone's career journey through to, you know, getting a job. You might discover a role you're interested in Career CoPilot, um, have multiple conversations that will lead to an actual role that you want to apply for. And it can support you from the start of that journey right to the end of that journey.

Um, and it takes the pressure and the stress off, off teachers and off career guidance, um, counsellors because they know they can't be available all the time. But they want the best for their students and they want the best for, um, everyone to do the very best in their careers that they're interested in.

So, it's really here to support everybody. not just the students, but educators, teachers, you know, people in career guidance positions. 

[00:03:32] Nadiyah Rajabally: So Scott, following on what Jen has said, how does the admin section benefit schools and the career counsellors? 

[00:03:39] Scott Byrne-Fraser: I think one of the key things about what we've built is full control for colleges, uh, educators, career advisors to be able to guide their students.

So within hundo, you can select the students that get access to the platform. You can get insight into how they're using the platform with their confidential confidentiality in mind. Of course, protecting children and protecting the students is ultimately what we're trying to do with the platform as well.

So that full control that. Full privacy is incredibly useful. And that insight really helps guide career guidance counsellors in terms of what they're trying to do. 

Nadiyah Rajabally: Yeah, definitely. I'm sure a lot of our viewers want to know, how do you handle user's data to ensure data privacy and protection and it's user data is used to train the AI model?

Scott Byrne-Fraser: Privacy is really important to us. It's really critical, particularly the audience that we're working with. When you sign up to hundo, all your information is encrypted. It's stored on encrypted databases here in the UK. You have total control over the additional information that you put in. So when you sign up, you add your name and email address, date of birth, and that's it. Everything else is voluntary, and you as a student on the platform can choose what additional information you put in there. Everything within the AI CoPilot is again, voluntary. So you can choose what information goes in there. You can remove any information from your profile whenever you want to. None of that information is then used to actually train our model. further. We're very selective about the information that we use to train that model. So we put safeguards in place to ensure that your privacy is protected. And then the other key thing is that we ensure that when you're using the platform, there are safeguards in place so that it keeps you on track with a career conversation.
And if you do have conversations with it that take it off piste, it brings you back into the career conversation. 

Nadiyah Rajabally: Sounds so exciting. Jen, could you share any success stories? Or positive feedback from users that have benefited from hundo's Career CoPilot. 

Jennifer Barnett: Yeah, we've had some really good user testing, um, we've had students in a college, uh, in a big city in the North of England. Um, we've had students from a school, really, really remote school on the southwest coast of England down in Cornwall. Um, and we've even had a college in, in South Africa testing, uh, and trying out Career CoPilot. And the feedback's been really good, really positive. Um, students have found it really useful, really insightful.
Um, they've really just loved discovering all the different roles out there. And I think importantly, everyone's enjoyed it, you know, they're not bored, they're engaged, they're learning all the time. Um, so yeah, we're really buoyed up by the, by the positive feedback so far and look forward to receiving more.

Nadiyah Rajabally: That's great, and obviously hundo is global, even though we're our main target audience in the UK, we are looking at global with our South Africa audience. So Scott, considering the platform's engagement with a younger audience, what safety measures have you taken to ensure online safety for all our users?

Scott Byrne-Fraser: First off, it starts with privacy and control of your information. As I mentioned before, you have total control over the information of which you put on the platform. Secondly, we've been robustly testing it to ensure that the conversation that take place on it, guide you in the right direction. So. When you're speaking about careers, it keeps you on track with your careers.
When you're asking for additional information, how to, for instance, structure your CV, it guides you through that. You can ask it anything and it will always direct you to the right help or the right type of material to support you. So it shouldn't make up information. It shouldn't ever guide you in a way that will not be beneficial to you as an individual. So that's incredibly important, and we're constantly adapting it and changing it. So we're constantly looking at feedback we get from users. We're constantly stress testing it ourselves to ensure that it is a robust place and safe place for people to be able to properly explore their careers.

Nadiyah Rajabally: Yeah, and that's really important, making sure it's a safe place, especially online. Diving more into the tool, Scott, what makes it so unique? 

Scott Byrne-Fraser: Really good question. What makes us particularly unique is the way that we're approaching AI. We're using contextual AI which understands where you are on the platform. It understands what you're currently looking at. It understands whether you're looking at an employer, whether you're interested in working for that employer, or just exploring an industry, and it tailors the conversation based on that. It also remembers your chat history, so it understands the conversations it had with you in the past. So combined, this creates quite a unique and wealthy conversation that you can have with the AI to help guide you. Combined with the content that We've trained it on gives you a really fulfilling experience, and it's something that most a idols don't currently do. 

Nadiyah Rajabally: Interesting. Now, Jen, looking at mental health, obviously, such an important topic when it comes to young people. So how can career copilot be trained to help with mental health, especially when looking for jobs and opportunities? Because it will cause a lot of anxiety, stress. So how can hundo help with that? 

Jennifer Barnett: Yeah, that's another good question. Um, obviously, if you're a young person and you're thinking about what to study at A level or you've done your A levels and now you're thinking, you know, what can I study at university or you're just still at school and you're like, you know, what's my next move?
Um, it is stressful. Um, I completely understand that, you know, it's been stressful when I was at school and that, that hasn't disappeared. Um, I think the beauty of Career CoPilot is it, it's there to support and complement the career guidance that students will already get at their school or at their college. Um, and it, it enhances it essentially.
Um, so, and then. By default, because of that, it takes away some of the stress. So, students are making decisions based on discovering more about their skill set and what their skills are suited for and what possible roles and opportunities there are out there. Instead of just guessing, or instead of just thinking, Okay, well I, I know I'm quite good at maths, or I know I'm quite good at English.
It's, it gives a broader scope of, of where you can go and what skills and what roles you might. Want to further develop and what career that might point you towards And it's there 24/7 as well, you know career guidance counsellors are great and you know career CoPilots never going to replace them, but they're not there all the time you might watch something on TV and feel really inspired and be like wow I want to really work in space tech. You can go on career CoPilot, any time, day or night and find out more and then you can go to school or college the next day and have a conversation with your career guidance counsellor and say, look, I've watched a TV show about this. I've asked career CoPilots some questions. Let's explore this together further. And it's just a really nice complementary system that definitely definitely will alleviate stress in those sort of key sort of decision making times of student lives. So yeah, it's gonna be really helpful.

Nadiyah Rajabally: Yeah, and that's super important I know that Scott that we have trained the AI to help with mental health and that it does give pointers and direction. Could you dive a little bit more about how it helps? 

Scott Byrne-Fraser: Yeah, it's a really good question We obviously have built Career CoPilot to help and guide people with career decisions and to help people take their first steps into a career. We also appreciate that that's quite a stressful time for people as well.
There's a lot going on in people's lives, particularly when you're at college or when you're at university. We train the model with advice to help students with whatever they come and ask it about. Now, Career CoPilot for students is not for mental health. But, if you do ask a mental health question to it, it will guide you in the right direction to get the support that you need. It will push you to the right contacts to be able to get the correct support. 

Nadiyah Rajabally: And that's really important. And yeah, career copilot, the main aim is obviously career guidance, but also if we need support and help, young people can get that support and help. Now, we're sadly running out of time. And I know that we could sit here for ages talking about Career CoPilot and dive even more into it.
I hope that our viewers have had now a glimpse of what it is and what to expect. And that's a wrap guys. I'm super excited for everyone to dive into Career CoPilot and I hope you enjoy the rest of the day. Make sure to sign up for a demo and our waitlist at and follow us on all our socials. I hope you enjoy the rest of our event and thank you for joining us today and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day.

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