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Intro into hundo's Esports CareerCon with James Fraser-Murison

A brief introduction to Esports and our agenda is given by James Fraser-Murison. Discover how esports is changing, unique business models are emerging, and engaging fan strategies are evolving in hundo's CareerCon event. Get ready for an epic esports career by levelling up your skills and uncovering industry challenges and growth opportunities!

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James: Hello and welcome to hundo's latest monthly career con. This month we'll be discussing esports and the megabucks industry and careers that come with it. My name is James Fraser Murrison. I'm the head of education here at hundo and an esports specialist, no less. So let's find out. Do you know your LAN event from your scrim? 

Have you joined the Fortnite OG again for the first time or have you launched back in? Are you Team Twitch or even Kik? All of these things that we'll be able to discuss and look at as we get into this month's CareerCon. It's also worth noting that this is an opportunity to talk about esports careers. 

Um, it's worth noting that the industry is worth 1. 3, 1. 4 million dollars, and that the likes of the World Economic Forum are going to say that essential skills, not soft skills, essential skills needed for the workplace include things like team play, communication, logistics, and problem solving. Well, during the talks today, we'll be able to demonstrate and give evidence as to why things like eSports in gaming can help young people of today use that for their future careers in the workplace. 

It's opportunities to be able to showcase what skills that they've got and how that they can help future careers and employees identify what's needed for 2025, 2030, and of course, beyond. eSports also offers potential safe space for the LGBTQAI+ community, um, where anyone and everyone has the potential to kind of drop into virtual worlds with friends and effectively be who they want to be without fear or judgment. 

And of course, in this modern day workplace, this is absolutely something we want to be able to proactively shout about. Esports and gaming is a great place for diversity. It's if of course it's done in the right way. And also it's a really good opportunity to again, showcase the potential and opportunities that esports has to offer. 

So without further ado, let me introduce some of the guests that you'll be able to listen to today in this month's career con. We'll have a mastering skills, knowledge, and behavior talk with our wonderful Nadiyah from hundo and Elliot Mack. We have esports education, which myself and Scott from hundo will be able to talk about in more detail. 

The ones I've already hinted at here. Um, we have eSports from a female perspective and those challenges and kind of career highlights and insights with Toshina, Lea and Nadiyah. We've got the path from playing to professional, um, with a colleague of ours called Nick Turner at Queen Mary's College. And Amelia will also from hundo be able to discuss all the opportunities that come within that. 

And then also, right at the end, there's going to be a live Q& A with myself and Peyton from hundo, where we can take all of the various questions that hopefully will kind of come through the discussions and the talks that you're about to see today. So let's get going. And again, thank you all for your time.


James: Hello and welcome to hundo's latest monthly career con. This month we'll be discussing esports and the megabucks industry and careers that come with it. My name is James Fraser Murrison. I'm the head of education here at hundo and an esports specialist, no less. So let's find out. Do you know your LAN event from your scrim? 

Have you joined the Fortnite OG again for the first time or have you launched back in? Are you Team Twitch or even Kik? All of these things that we'll be able to discuss and look at as we get into this month's CareerCon. It's also worth noting that this is an opportunity to talk about esports careers. 

Um, it's worth noting that the industry is worth 1. 3, 1. 4 million dollars, and that the likes of the World Economic Forum are going to say that essential skills, not soft skills, essential skills needed for the workplace include things like team play, communication, logistics, and problem solving. Well, during the talks today, we'll be able to demonstrate and give evidence as to why things like eSports in gaming can help young people of today use that for their future careers in the workplace. 

It's opportunities to be able to showcase what skills that they've got and how that they can help future careers and employees identify what's needed for 2025, 2030, and of course, beyond. eSports also offers potential safe space for the LGBTQAI+ community, um, where anyone and everyone has the potential to kind of drop into virtual worlds with friends and effectively be who they want to be without fear or judgment. 

And of course, in this modern day workplace, this is absolutely something we want to be able to proactively shout about. Esports and gaming is a great place for diversity. It's if of course it's done in the right way. And also it's a really good opportunity to again, showcase the potential and opportunities that esports has to offer. 

So without further ado, let me introduce some of the guests that you'll be able to listen to today in this month's career con. We'll have a mastering skills, knowledge, and behavior talk with our wonderful Nadiyah from hundo and Elliot Mack. We have esports education, which myself and Scott from hundo will be able to talk about in more detail. 

The ones I've already hinted at here. Um, we have eSports from a female perspective and those challenges and kind of career highlights and insights with Toshina, Lea and Nadiyah. We've got the path from playing to professional, um, with a colleague of ours called Nick Turner at Queen Mary's College. And Amelia will also from hundo be able to discuss all the opportunities that come within that. 

And then also, right at the end, there's going to be a live Q& A with myself and Peyton from hundo, where we can take all of the various questions that hopefully will kind of come through the discussions and the talks that you're about to see today. So let's get going. And again, thank you all for your time.

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