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Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce: Future-Proof Skills and WorkTech Insights with Pere Pérez Ninou and Nadiyah Rajabally

In a conversation between Nadiyah and Perry, they delved into the crucial skills needed for the future, such as creativity, problem-solving, and communication, all while discussing Metacampus, a platform Perry is passionate about. Perry emphasised the importance of enjoying technology to develop essential soft skills, along with respecting virtual boundaries, conquering social anxiety, and enhancing confidence. Get set for a tech-driven future that's super cool!

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[00:00:00] Hi everyone, welcome to our WorkTech event. So today I've got the lovely Perry, Founder and CEO of Metacampus, who'll be diving into the skills and technology to help shape the future of work. Perry, do you want to introduce yourself? Hi Nadia, um, hi everyone, uh, thanks for having me here. I'm, uh, Osprey Laperez.

I'm the founder and CEO of Metacampus, and we are a professional development hub, uh, to help, um, companies and, uh, creators and professionals to thrive in the exponential economy through the knowledge of AI, blockchain, and the metaverse. So Perry, skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, adaptability and communication are vital for the future of work.

Could you briefly explain these skills and why it's so significant to have them in day to day [00:01:00] life in the workplace? Yes, uh, absolutely. The thing is, um, we're going through a massive transition. As you know, in regards to how fast technology is evolving and, uh, and you know, the progress that we're seeing every day of, uh, of new tools coming to the market.

So now we're finding ourselves teaching, um, professionals to use those tools, but the use of those tools will become a standard, uh, in the near future, what will set people apart. It will be, uh, their creativity, uh, their ability to, uh, problem solving, uh, to really, uh, make the most of those tools, but to apply more of our human capabilities, how to manage people remotely and so on.

So that's, that's where we see the soft skills will become even more important than they are today. Um, but, uh, people have to go through this transition of, uh, fully understanding and maximizing the potential of the tools at their disposal. Yeah, definitely. Soft skills are so important, especially in the tech space.

A lot of people [00:02:00] think it's mainly technical skills. Obviously, you need these soft skills to be able to... Absolutely. Yeah, it's, it's interesting also to see the, you know, how we also thought that automation would be replacing some of the... Lower qualified, uh, jobs, uh, first and robotics, you know, has done a part of that, but now it is, uh, you know, uh, developers programming, some of content creation design, some of these are more highly skilled, but, uh, at the day.

Anything that it is created digitally, uh, that's where, uh, you know, with, uh, AI software, we can actually, um, automate or partly, uh, automate. And I think that's, uh, what one of the things that, um, people need to, uh, to understand is that, um, they should not see the tools as a threat into their capabilities of what they can achieve, but more as a benefit.

At the end of the day, we are moving towards this evolution of the [00:03:00] creator economy and then having a number of tools to create content assets, um, you know, any type of, um, creativities that you know you can think of. And then you have the blockchain as a way of automating then the transaction process. As well as then having all the community building, uh, then it enables, uh, anyone with creativity, anyone with a level of talent, uh, from home, you know, from, you know, regardless of who they are, you know, age group, uh, et cetera, uh, to really come up to the market and put something in front of, uh, you know, an audience, you know, finding that niche, finding someone who's also, you know, going to help you, you know, kind of grow your, your talent and then you probably, so the monetization options.

Thanks. Uh, for creative people, uh, and creative is no longer, you know, just purely about design, about copy, about, uh, this. I think we have to think about, you know, the creative use of technology, how you apply that to, uh, you know, uh, what is [00:04:00] consultancy, where is, uh, tech support, where is virtual event management, anything, uh, along those lines is, uh, is what we call the creative economy going forward.

Yeah, definitely. Well, like a lot of people, like I said, using AI. People are quite scared that it's going to take over jobs, but how do you feel, how do you think that we could like combined AI tools and like soft skills and how do you think we can help enhance those to help us become better workers? Yes, I think, you know, we're starting, um, especially I think the young generation, they're actually probably quite advantaged in this regard because they are digitally native.

Uh, so they are more adapted to learning new digital tools. And I think in the same way that whenever there is a new app, uh, you know, you can grasp it really fast and you can understand the potential, how people use it. And so on, um, the same will happen with, uh, with the, uh, AI tools, we find it, uh, a much harder process, [00:05:00] uh, with, uh, all the generations, uh, that they, even if they've been using, you know, um, computers for, for work or, you know, Microsoft office or any of these email, uh, packages.

But there's still the ability to learn lots of new softwares and adapt to constantly new changes and, and kind of integrate some of the software, some of the software applications to then generate better results, then that requires almost like a mindset change, you know, something that they have to be more willing to explore and to see that.

That's something that they enjoy, you know, and this is something that we're working towards to try to make this process, uh, that is absolutely necessary, but they see that something that is fun, that is entertaining, that is very rewarding, you know, from a person's, uh, from a professional as well as at the personal level.

Yeah, definitely. And like Kondo's, um, helping upskill young people, and obviously Metacamp is doing something very similar, but [00:06:00] with professionals and... older generations. So can you tell us a bit more how Metacampus is helping upskill professionals and people that are like shifting careers and how you can help enhance that and what people can do on your platform?

Um, yes, absolutely. And as you say, I think we, uh, we complement each other very well because you're preparing, you know, the younger generations for the possibilities and the jobs of the, uh, of the future, uh, while we're kind of taking care of, uh, professionals that, uh, they're already, uh, in the market, uh, and that they will be it.

Um, let's say the, um, the most effective group in kind of in the job transition, um, uh, we know from the report from the World Economic Forum, as well as many other sources that, uh, over the next few years, uh, there will be, you know, hundreds of millions of jobs being, uh, replaced, uh, through the use of, um, these, uh, technology tools, and there will be new jobs that will appear that to replace those.

Uh, [00:07:00] so we're helping professionals. Thank you. Uh, in that transition to make sure that, uh, they remain, um, competitive, uh, in regards to using those tools, uh, in their existing jobs, but also that to give them, uh, the ability to work or to refocus their career, uh, into the jobs of the future. Uh, given the case that some of the traditional jobs that we understand today, they may become obsolete in the digital, uh, economy.

Like we've seen, you know, the technical revolutions like e-commerce or, you know, web one, web two, and, and so on. This has been a nature of things that happen and we have to keep helping them. And we work, uh, both on an individual perspective as well as at the company level, uh, to make sure that, you know, the, the entire workforce, uh, can, um, you know, become really productive and, um, and continue to add value, uh, while the company is also upgrading their skills.

And to do this, what we do is, uh, we offer them, um, uh, we work on, on a flat fee, all inclusive from a membership. [00:08:00] Starting at 29. 99 per month, and that gives them access to a number of CPD certified courses, whether it's in Web3, whether it's in AI, soft skills, and so on, as well as then they access like a virtual campus where they can contribute to the community.

Create a virtual persona, use the blockchain, interact, uh, you know, in DAOs, you know, get to know other people, participate in some initiatives. Uh, we also assigned, uh, to each person where we call like an AI companion that helps, you know, it's almost like a career orientator, uh, that, uh, understands the personality and understands the skill set and continually kind of helps them refocus.

The learning materials as well as, uh, you know, what what they're best suited for in in the jobs of of the future. So so we look at providing these more holistic learning and onboarding experience. That is not just educational part. But [00:09:00] it is a lot of networking. There is a lot of, um, practical, um, experience as well as then, uh, focusing on social goods initiatives.

So how can you, um, you know, work across generations? You know, how can you be more adapted to other people's backgrounds, agendas, ages, and then, uh, you know, taking, you know, this kind of simulation role play. Which is something really important as, as we become, you know, we start creating our digital personas.

Uh, and that gives, you know, the ability for you to become whoever you want to become and not be restricted by, um, you know, your traditional background. And then also, you know, the stigmas that may be associated with that. Yeah, definitely. That's quite similar to why we use avatars on our platform. To help with that digital, um, element and having like being whoever you want, we would use avatar and try and get that bias you get on like CVs and names and stuff.

So yeah, it's very similar when you think of Metacampus [00:10:00] and like, um, Hondo to do. Um, so obviously the digital landscape is changing all the time. So how do you as a company, Metacampus contributes like being more exclusive, accessible to the world and also keeping up to date with all these skills and knowledge that are always changing.

Uh, yes. Um, uh, indeed, it is changing constantly and that forces us to stay up to date as well to make sure that not only to stay up to date, but to kind of stay ahead of what's coming so that then we can prepare the new curriculums. Um, and also we do a lot of live sessions, so we do cover the things that are happening today.

Um, we make sure that, uh, most of the content is renewed every 3 months as well, uh, so that you don't find some educational pieces that may be obsolete, uh, or already, uh, and then, um, we have, um, you know, a great network of contributors to the platform. [00:11:00] And they all live in projects, whether it's in Web3 or AI or the Metaverse, so that helps us to stay up to date with what the community is doing and how it's evolving and how it's um, plus we're immersed, you know, we live in the Metaverse, uh, we, um, you know, we're fully immersed there, we spend 20 hours a day.

Uh, just, you know, being part of communities, uh, delivering our own, uh, projects or social good initiatives using the latest technologies. Uh, we organize events, you know, we get, um, uh, leading, um, uh, you know, speakers. So we constantly learning so that we're able to constantly, uh, teach in a, you know, in a progressive, uh, in a progressive way.

But, uh, yeah, because it's never, um, you know, there is, uh, there's never a dull day in Web3. As, uh, as they call it, it's one year, like a decade in, uh, in traditional industries. Yeah, definitely. It's constantly, even us with Honda, one week will be something, the next week will change depending on the [00:12:00] environment and what's happening with the world.

Um, could you provide examples of work text tools and applications that young people can use to help enhance skills like productivity, collaboration, creativity? Uh, sure. So there are, in regards to the, uh, to the tech tools, there is some of them that, that you use more at. Um, uh, in the work environment, what people will find is tools like, uh, slack, uh, like mirror, uh, like all the entire suites of, uh, you know, of either Google or, or Microsoft.

So those tools are becoming more and more collaborative, uh, and they're all embedding ai. Into their, uh, software packages at the moment. So what I would suggest, especially for the younger generation is that, um, ahead of that integration and ahead of their incorporation into the work environment, um, then focusing in terms of using those, uh, AI tools, whether it's [00:13:00] the likes of or any of the derivatives that they, uh, that you have out there, but also, uh, from, um, mid journey or any of the tools that they use.

Uh, help you generate, uh, from, you know, text to, uh, text to voice, uh, text to image, text to video, and then, uh, get really proficient about the one to one, um, brainstorming, as I call it, more than prompting, uh, I think if you start engaging with your AI assistant. Uh, in a brainstorming sort of way, and then you start exploring, you start to see, you know, what gives you better results and so on, that will naturally help you become proficient at prompting.

Once, once you become really good at generating prompts, then once this is integrated across all the, uh, all the suite of softwares from the daily basis, um, then, um, you know, it will cost you no time. To learn to make the [00:14:00] most how to use Excel, even if you've never used Excel or how to use how to make the most of a slack, which is one of the main corporate communication channel.

And then, uh, things like, um, uh, from a public facing perspective, I think the, the likes of, uh, discord, the likes of, um. Twitter is something that is becoming truly interesting in regards to, uh, not just for, um, generating your profile as well as networking, but the amount of community tools, uh, and communication tools that they are launching, uh, in regards to, uh, the, uh, group chats, but the, uh, the generating an ecosystem of tools.

That help you really get very, uh, skilled at how algorithms understand content creation, how you can make the most of positioning, uh, your content, and then how you can start monetizing that, uh, which [00:15:00] is one of the key things about the creator economy as well. Because, uh, one thing is, as we were saying before, whether you may find, or may look for a job, But the other thing is, um, we believe that a lot of people will remain as freelancers and then they will, you know, uh, outsource their skills to different companies, but they will also find ways of monetizing their knowledge and their skill set.

So that's where, um, you need to fully grasp, you know, the, the key, uh, platforms on how to generate the community, how to generate the following, how to create a valuable content. And that people will actually engage with, which means that the algorithms will help you make sure that the next post is also viewed, you know, by more and more people and, and so on.

Yeah, no, definitely. And like, for me, obviously, Honda exists and I'm getting Metacampus exists because look at the education side, education, not helping young [00:16:00] people getting ready for the future work and having them. Get equipped for this. So how can educators integrate WorkTech tools, like you said, ChatGBT, Slack, um, Discord into their curriculum to help prepare their students for a tech driven career?

Oh. You're absolutely right. We do have an issue in terms of traditional education. Uh, it goes a lot slower than the pace of technology and changing the curriculum and grading the curriculum. Uh, it is, it takes a long time. Uh, I think the, it is important that, um, the schools do not ban the tools that they encourage an effective use of the tools, but also, I think that they're in.

To me, they should try to incorporate them in a playful way that shows the value of your own research as well. And, uh, your own learning as well. So, for example, uh, if you have to, uh, create, um, [00:17:00] develop an essay about, you know, if you're studying, let's say, marketing studies, and then you want your students to create an essay on a particular, on, um, marketing strategy for a particular brand.

Uh, of course, you know, you can now get Some of these AI tools to generate the benchmark and so on, but potentially, you know, you could divide the class and the classroom in different teams and then ask them one team to not use AI tools for this trying to beat another team that uses is allowed to use the AI tools for that particular case study and vice versa.

So they have the ability and the allowance to use. AI and make the most when they're using AI, uh, but they're also the challenge of saying, right, let's, you know, let's try to get information on qualitative data that, uh, only as humans, we can actually get the level of interpretation and critical thinking [00:18:00] and, uh, and so on that will make it better.

Then the standard that you can get with AI, which at the end of the day is still a summary of what it is already available on the Internet with, you know, a semantic interpretation of what is out there that it is, you know, automated. So you can get qualitatively, you can always be a lot better, but you need to learn the subject.

So if you learn about marketing, you use AI as a base. For then, uh, put in the finishing touches, which is, you know, your mark. And I think that's the sort of thing that would encourage students to use AI effectively. Uh, and still, you know, really study the subject. Uh, because that's what will enable them to give that plus.

If you don't allow them to use the tools, they will have to use them the moment that they leave the classroom. It's one of those things, you know, that, uh, you can, [00:19:00] you cannot delay progress. You can delay people from progressing. And that cannot be the, the, the goal of education. No, I really like the example you gave, like having a group doing a task where they use chat gbt and a group that doesn't use chat gbt and then looking at the differences and the similarities and differences and I thought that's really cool because I like I haven't looked at it that way and I feel like a lot of people like teachers Probably haven't thought of that.

And I feel like that's a nice way of integrating, seeing like the positive of using AI and then maybe some of the negatives and how you can use that to enhance your work. And I thought that's really cool. And obviously with Hondo, we've like launched our virtual work experience and we try and use AI for our virtual experience to give people tasks to do.

And it's like. It should come, like you said, obviously workplaces, the environment is changing, obviously COVID happened, we're more virtual, we're at home, remote working, but schools are still with their old traditional ways and it's time to, like, have a balance where we can bridge them [00:20:00] together and sort of get them together.

But I really like the way you use that. How about parents, like parents watching this, how can they help their children and get them ready for the future work? I think the, uh, with parents, um, There are two things that's, um, you know, of course, it's not about, you know, your kids using mobile phone or using tablets or, or the computer.

It is an everyday tool. Uh, it's going to, it's going to happen, uh, what, what we are replacing, uh, the more, let's say, analog, uh, sort of devices, um, but content, whether we watch Netflix or whether we, uh, do homework or whether we interact with friends, um, everything happens digitally, uh, these days, uh, so I think, um, the, uh, to me, parents, it is not about banning the use of mobile phone, but it is more steering them into Um, [00:21:00] Potentially fewer hours of using the likes of TikTok and more hours using tools that will actually help them learn in a very playful way.

I think that AI assistants are really important in helping kids development and understanding. Also, the personality of, uh, of each kid, uh, and understanding the amount of content that that kid has already seen in different subjects, so it can balance that. So if you know that, you know, you like, um, I don't know, Dragon Ball Z, and you like, you are into, uh, anime characters or things, uh, things like this, it's fine.

So, you know, there is an interest there. Uh, so rather than just everything being, you know, passive, watching off these characters, it can recommend a number of tools, a community that, uh, you know, that they craft, that they're artists, you know, working in this type of a style, [00:22:00] and then help you in terms of creating, you know, unlocking your creative talent.

Into this sort of area so that, uh, you make, uh, out of your interest, you make it like a hobby while learning the tools that are going to help you prepare for a job either as a graphic designer, either as a marketing person, as any other thing that, uh, that it may be. Uh, and I see the roles of this kind of AI tutors and companions.

Um, and the, uh, the parents, of course, we are from an older generation. So, it is, um, we have to embrace this. We have to know what tools are there. We do need help in terms of understanding, you know, how should I approach this? Um, because otherwise you only focus on, okay, you can only use the mobile phone 2 hours.

It's not, you know, that kid could be better off using it five hours if the use of that was more balanced than just, you know, on something that kind of keeps you glued to the screen, but then you get [00:23:00] nothing out of it. But I do understand this generational change. It's um, it's a balance. You know, we are the last generation.

Um, we are millennials, um, that, uh, we've seen, we grew up with an analog world and then we saw the, you know, the, let's say the beginning of the internet and the adoption of the internet. All the generations after us, they, they don't know. Anything before the Internet. They don't know anything before digital.

So their lifestyle is fully digitalized While the parents in this transition some of them They still see this as an addiction as something that it is not Good, you know for for for the kids. So it's helping the parents into that transition It's it's it's a big task and I think that's that's where you know, you probably We can provide some coaching or steer them in some direction, uh, to help them in this process.[00:24:00] 

And for you, as you mentioned, the generational gap, obviously, us growing up with digital and you guys having to learn through that, what advice would you give parents and even teachers or anyone older that's watching this? How can they keep up to date and how can they learn? Like, do you have any tips and advice or places they can learn?

It's um, they have to, to embrace. Innovation as a lifestyle as lifestyle of choice, not as a core, because if you think, oh, okay, now I have to study something new and that is a negative thing. Then I'll try to minimize the amount of time towards that. And I'll try to stop it as soon as I think that I know enough.

Um, but now the, the pace of change is really, it's really fast is, uh, we are in a need of constant change. So that needs this continuous, uh, upskilling. So that's why even what we're trying to do is it is continuous, um, [00:25:00] upskilling. And we're trying to convert it into a lifestyle because it has to be part of your day to day in the same way that You're always up to date.

For example, if you are into football, you're always up to date with a new season with the new players, uh, with with the change of rules, uh, et cetera, the same that you may be, uh, up to date with, um, with, with the basic, let's say, uh, um, internet services that you have from, from your mobile phone, uh, or from, uh, any type of, uh, you know, of, of content or services that, uh, uh, They're around.

Uh, so that's where, you know, people need to understand that, uh, let's say digital skills link to technology pros. Uh, it is something that it is a benefit that they would use, you know, uh, throughout their, um, uh, any areas of their life, you know, whether it's personal as well as, as professionals. So not only for the, for [00:26:00] your job, but also on a personal level, you know, trying to manage it Now, Uh, citizen without a smartphone and without Internet connection.

It is already, um, a disadvantaged citizen. Mm-hmm. there. Um, there is a lot of public services. There's a lot of day-to-day stuff that, uh, without being able to connect to internet without being able to use a smartphone, uh, you're already handicapped compared to, you know, to the rest of the relation. So it is an intrinsic part of our, uh, daily life, and it will become more as, uh, we are progressively digitalizing the rest of our society.

Yeah, definitely. And like you said, it's, it's constantly changing, but everything, every day is changing different in different industries and different environments. And I like the way you reference like football and like sports. And it's true. You keep up to date with that. It's the same thing with work and like tech and everything.

You just keep going. Um, so now back to young people. So while we were talking, [00:27:00] it came into my head about gaming. So obviously a lot of young people game, and I feel like a lot of young people don't realize that they actually. While gaming and being in groups and doing whatever they do, I feel like they don't realize that they're actually enhancing their soft skills.

Um, if possible, could you go into how gaming and like socializing and even being on social media, how that helps young people enhance those skills that they need for the future work? Yes, gaming is, is gone from a niche, you know, to a generation, as you say, to, you know, um, everything is gamified, you know, even some of the famous quotes from Elon Musk about we live in a simulation.

It is true when, when you actually, when you move into digital, when your work, you know, is through a digital interface, when your economy is digitalized, when your social interactions are digitalized, when your entertainment is [00:28:00] digitalized, this is a level of Digital simulation. This is a level of gamified social experience, and that's where we see the blend between traditional gaming with social media, with the progressive digitalization of all other aspects of our lives.

That, uh, that is where it makes, you know, everything becomes A gamified story, a gamified uh, environment. You can, you can be multiple personas. Uh, you can be, uh, whoever, you know, whichever character you want to play with. A particular group that you like, book reading, for example, on Shakespeare. And, uh, and you know that you can be someone slightly different to who you are with your best friends or who you are with, um, you know, with, uh, with your family or at work level and so on.

So, uh, it becomes, um, you know, it becomes a. A gamified, you know, multi stream story. And as you say [00:29:00] that, uh, then managing that process, uh, it's, it's really drives your soft skills. It drives your ability to, to socialize. Uh, for digital kids today, um, it's a lot easier to socialize through digital channels than it is to physical.

You know, my, my, my daughter, you know, she's just turned, uh, 18 and she's doing work experience as part of her marketing studies. on a retail shop on a, you know, uh, kind of white label, um, uh, goods. So for her, the panic was to dare to attend people real live. It was to pick up the traditional phone and, and to have that live interaction.

That's what she's learned because she's very social, but she's used to be social, uh, through the digital channels that give them that kind of level of comfort because it is almost like, um, you are gamifying that interaction while there she was, she felt she was exposed. [00:30:00] So I think that's one of the things that we, we have to make sure that while we can respect privacy, that we also prepare gamers for real life interactions as well, very important to see, and that's why we use AI to see their stress levels.

Uh, gaming can be very good, but also can be a source of anger, stress, uh, anxiety, uh, and, and so on, uh, which. It's not an issue with the game, it's an issue with anger management, it's an issue with anxiety management, and that the ability that, uh, we're able to detect. And this through the interactions, um, on, on gaming, this is something that is a benefit that we should use, uh, to then help that person, uh, work on those, uh, you know, either personality, uh, issues or areas for improvement and, and so on, as well as, you know, detecting things like, [00:31:00] uh, bullying, things like, um, you know, aggressive, um, uh, verbal behavior, uh, these sort of things that, um, we can detect at early stages.

Thank you. And then gaming can help massively into making sure that the social interactions are in line with what we become, you know, what we consider healthy. So I encourage gaming, um, uh, and then I encourage, uh, gaming as a source of understanding your potential. Understanding your, as well as your limitations, and then using that as a path was a, was a platform to then, you know, um, help you in the, in the, um, in the rest of your day-to-day life.

So it's, gaming is not, is not part of course, uh, it can become quite obsessive, but it is not the game. May not be addictive, you know, it could be a racing game, but it is more of, you know, an addictive behavior [00:32:00] may actually Come from something some other issues that they need to be treated So that's the things that we have to identify as parents as educators and and so on There is no inherent bad game as there is no inherent bad technology people they've been accusing blockchain or they've been accusing this as being Speculative of, you know, uh, really bad technology.

Technology is not bad, it's the use that you make of the technology. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's a nice way of looking at it, is how we use these applications and tools, and whether we use it for good or bad, and it's like, as an individual, it has a responsibility to use these tools and know how to use them, and what we do, and even like you said, like bullying, um, like communities, gaming, like there's a way that you need, there's rules that you need to stick by and make sure you follow.

So yeah, that was, that was interesting. So. Back to young people, one thing that I picked up on you were saying about your daughter and having like social anxiety, like going into work and [00:33:00] things, well obviously with our virtual experience, one of the things that we've seen that's quite common is when we have like, um, virtual meetings with our students, they don't put their camera on, and their camera is shy, and they don't want to talk, and you like, there's a few individuals that would, but then there's quite a lot that don't, and how do you think What advice would you give young people to become more confident in the workplace and like starting these new things and help with social anxiety and build their confidence?

The, um, it's, it's a very, um, it's, it's a new territory in regards to, because we now we have the ability to respect privacy through, uh, blockchain and, and everything. And that, that's an interesting one. When we work with artists, there's someone like on docs artists, um, but trying to remain fully on docs.

Youngsters do not realize the amount of work and limitations that will give you a IRL. Um, because, uh, yes, we then we invite them into events [00:34:00] to speak. Yes, they can speak remotely, and then they can speak through an avatar in this. But then, of course, then they want to do business. And then they want to meet some of the people from the cultural museums or from some of these parts.

But then they cannot be in the, uh, let's say in the public, uh, attending the event that we have to source then, uh, almost like secret meeting so that they can meet face to face with some of the, you know, museum directors. But, uh, so you, sometimes it seems that it's great about this privacy and, uh, and unboxing.

But actually the freedom that you can have by saying, okay, yes, um, I am. People know me, people I'm free and, uh, to talk to people and, and, and to put my face and I can create multiple personas. Some of them could be in those. Some of them could be linked, uh, to, uh, to my, uh, to my real, uh, persona. And that gives you plenty more flexibility, [00:35:00] how to get to that level.

I think that, uh, there is lots of softwares now where you can reinterpret yourself as any character. So you start with that, you start, you know, with forums that you're comfortable with, uh, it could be on the gaming, uh, it could be then some of the meetups as well, this is really important. When, um, you know, we spend a lot of time with NFT communities, we are part of lots of group chats, I've, you know, I've developed very strong emotional bonds, um, with, um, uh, with people that I don't know who they are, but, but, you know, they have enough credibility and we've been chatting day to day, but then when there is NFT London, or when there is a particular event, and then you meet in real life with some of them, The experience kind of goes to, um, a higher level and that, uh, bonding, it really becomes something stronger.

Uh, and then you realize that it doesn't [00:36:00] matter. I can be 48, someone else can be 24, you know, a man, a woman, doesn't matter the race, the age. And nothing matters because the good thing about undock, uh, doxxing, oh sorry, or remain undoxed, or, or private, is the fact that you eliminate bias. And, um, and once you've developed that relationship and have eliminated the product, that barrier, then when you meet each other, everything is positive.

Yeah. Everything. Uh, so I think that's, you know, you have to start breaking those barriers as well. Mm-hmm. , get yourself comfortable with the community that you know, you, your, your day-to-day makes you, uh, to be addressed. That at some point you can do a video call, or at some point you can meet up for a drink, or to do an activity together, or to be at NFT London.

Otherwise, they will never be able to attend the same event, you know, if everyone remains so private. And that's a limiting factor. Rather than freedom. [00:37:00] Yeah, that's a really good way of looking at it, like, you're limiting yourself by not having that, and like, networking, communicating, like, all that helps you progress as well as an individual growth, but also in your career as well, and like, networking and being around people who are the same as you, and like, but even like the, um, web free space, like the NIT communities, there's different communities you can join about different things, and I think that's like, The best part about web free, which I really like that you can find people, the same interests, same hobbies.

And how do you feel like young people can use like the idea of community? Cause obviously, like we said, gaming, you have like your friends where you all communicate, you could be, I could be here. Someone could be like in America and we can communicate and just building those relationships. What advice would you give young people to start building those community and building those aspects where they can group together with people that like stuff and help.

I think it's very important to find an area of commonality or common [00:38:00] ground, shared interest. That's the most important thing. So if you are a creator, digital creator, uh, or, you know, you are into, um, Then start blending into community of digital artists and collectors, uh, and then find either by following some of the artists or some collections that include, uh, NFTs from different artists.

So you're constantly learning about new people, uh, and so on. I think that's the messaging is, it is important. Uh, there is also. Areas of specialization. So if you're more into programming or more into AI, you know, you can find yourself space into generative art groups or, uh, you know, to using programming for visual stories or things like this.

If you are more into the gaming fights, uh, stories. There's plenty, there's plenty of gamification tools. Some of them more like, uh, building things socially, others more of competitive, uh, gaming. [00:39:00] But, um, there are plenty of, uh, there's plenty of collections that they're just about, you know, even on S4s, you know, there is, uh, Wakme, which is this, uh, NFT collection that, that both, I think it was, uh, I can't remember this, uh, second division or what you call a first division football club in, uh, in England and, and there, and of course, if you're like football, then, uh, that could be an easy way of having, you know, chats that, you know, you know, the subject, you know, you're already up to date, you're comfortable, you know, talking to people about, uh, about these things, uh, and so on, and then start developing those sort of, uh, friendships.

Thank you. And you find yourself that maybe, uh, there, there will be, um, you know, um, an FA Cup, uh, match where your team is going to play with the team of someone else that within the group, so that will enable you to meet a one to one or a one to four or, you know, that sort of thing that will kind of break those, [00:40:00] uh, those barriers.

And I think that's, it is finding us, I think it's really important that, uh, You find the space that you either you hobby, the space that you want to grow into, uh, that you have that, uh, uh, interest, uh, and then, you know, start small. There is always, you, you never expose yourself to 10, 000 people. There's always lots of subgroups, uh, there, uh, within that, uh, community because people are very different and they end up, you know, almost in these clusters.

Uh, even if they're, they all belong to the same community, but some of those group, um, group chats, they talk about trading, while other group chats, they talk about cars, uh, but they're all, let's say, from this MFR community, you know, it is fine, and, and some of them. You know, they're, uh, Chinese there and they have their own clusters because then the language, then they kind of speak locally.

Uh, you find this, this thing as well. We know we have one of the group chats that I mean, there is the European, uh, MFS [00:41:00] in a way, uh, you know, in, in a community that is mostly dominated by us, then you, you find yourself aligned. With, you know, with, uh, European, um, uh, people, because then there are certain topics, you know, that they're, they're closer to home and that, that kind of, and you're always more comfortable when you're talking in a group of 20, 30 people in a group of 500.

Uh, and I think that's, it is part of then discovering and then do not be worried about exploring and that's, uh, and that is where. Creating your alternative persona, your, what do you call your alt account? It's something that really helps to explore the world safely without exposing yourself and then finding the places that you're comfortable with.

And then you'll start revealing more and more. We have a meetup. We may go for dinner, 10 people in London. Of course there we meet face to face, but then when we take a picture, we all [00:42:00] put the NFT on the face and then we put it on the social media. So, it is fine, you're still not exposing yourself to the world, but you've not had the limitation of, oh, I cannot meet them, uh, for dinner because otherwise I'm revealing myself.

It is fine. People respect that. You know? So, that's, it's finding that. kind of hybrid, uh, sort of, um, uh, social gathering and, uh, and between the digital world and, and the physical world. And it's beautiful. It is, uh, it is actually, uh, it is beautiful because you'll end up meeting people from all over the place.

And that multiculturality, uh, it is very enriching. And that means that whenever you travel, there will always be someone you can meet. Uh, there was always, I keep meeting, I am from Barcelona. And, uh, and whenever people that from the communities I am, they travel to Barcelona, you know, we always meet up and then one to one for, for a coffee, for, uh, something.

So you end up [00:43:00] getting to know and getting to meet, uh, over time, plenty of, uh, interesting people and the same when you, when you travel around. Yeah. So. Oh, that's really interesting. That's really nice. Yeah. It's like having that. Obviously you have a digital avatar, but then you also have your physical and you shouldn't let that stop you and you have boundaries.

Like I said, people respect your boundaries. That's the good thing, like, when you're in the workplace and when you're older, you have those boundaries where people do respect them and you can be who you want and feel comfortable. And like I said, when you find your group of people, then that's it. You feel comfortable, you can do whatever you want, and you just, like, do it together.

We're running out of time! I'm finding this so interesting! Um, so we're gonna wrap up. One last question. In a rapidly changing work environment, what skills do you think are most likely to be in demand in the next two to five years? The skills, um, I think what, say, Is the [00:44:00] ability. Um, so everyone will have to be tech savvy.

That's, that's almost, uh, it becomes a non skill. It becomes something that it is a requirement. Uh, like it is now that you have to know how to use an email or how to use, uh, you know, the Microsoft office package that is not a skill that is actually, if you don't know that, then you cannot access, uh, most, uh, jobs.

Uh, so, you know, I think that's the, um, taking that as granted, I think then the skills on, um, on, on creativity, on, um, on really, uh, socializing on, uh, on, on connect the ability to connect with, uh, with people from, uh, different communities and also, uh, the ability to, uh, connect. The different technologies as well, uh, for an entire workflow.

So how the blend of, uh, blockchain, uh, with, um, AI, uh, with anything related to, let's say, spatial computing with all the [00:45:00] interfaces and, and so on. Uh, so how you provide a service, uh, whether it's through, you know, augmented reality through virtual reality, through mobile phone, uh, how you keep that as, as a seamless experience.

Uh, that is how brands will evolve in the, in the future. So understanding that, you know, how to, how you can market there, how you can, uh, you know, provide a communication, how you provide the relevant content, how these things, uh, I think the, I would go more for more specialized micro, uh, learning in terms of courses that, um, more generalistic and long term, because if you go now into like a five year.

Sort of, um, even like a, um, we have marketing communications degree, uh, what you're studying over those five years, you know, that 70 percent of that is not relevant. And in five years it's changing so fast that it is almost, [00:46:00] uh, the ability to do models about. You know, um, what's the marketing or, you know, um, how to, uh, how to, you know, how to talk to, uh, you know, to unbox a consumers, you know, how to, so I think all of that, let's say more up to date, specialized and short, uh, type of training, uh, is what, you know, the, um, um, where people should.

Be more valuable when they get the job. And also, I think is that it is using the finding yourself comfortable with an AI companion as your career orientator and your advisor. Uh, that will be something that, uh, will become, uh, the drone because. Completely up to date information about, okay, what sort of new jobs are coming to the market?

What sort of skills? What have you learned? The system will know already what you've learned and what else you need to learn. So that [00:47:00] gives you the ability to reap the rewards of new jobs where, you know, they're more aligned to what you've already been investing as a hobby, as a part of your day to day.

Well, Perry, it's been lovely speaking to you. Um, I want to carry on this conversation with you, so I'll have you again to come join us. So how can everyone connect with you and keep up to date with you? Do you want to share your socials and your website? Yeah, um, absolutely. Um, my, uh, socials and, you know, I am ReadyPlayerOne, uh, from, uh, the famous, uh, book and, uh, and later movie.

Uh, so, uh, Twitter, my Twitter handle is, uh, ReadyPlayerOne, uh, and then. On LinkedIn is, um, I think you can find me for Pera Perez and then at, um, metacampus. ai. That's where, um, that's where we are based, you know, uh, in essence. But, uh, yeah, I'm ready and, uh, very happy to talk to you. Uh, really glad about what, uh, what you're doing.[00:48:00] 

You know, when we found about your service with, uh, with Allison. Actually, we were both really happy because we knew we were not able to cater for that younger market. You know, it's, you cannot do, you know, everything for everyone. Uh, so we, we had to choose this, um, but we thought there is always, you know, the need.

You know, for that previous step and I think that what you guys are doing is, uh, it's great. And then, you know, where we think we have many areas that we can complement each other and then we can help also that your younger students as they progress towards the job marketplace and so on, you know, so almost they can transition from one thing to the other because It is As we were saying, you know, learning has to be adopted as a lifestyle, you know, it is continuous learning and, uh, continuous exploring and then, uh, and enjoying the, uh, the, the journey.

[00:49:00] It's, it's fascinating, you know, how, you know, the new things that we find, we discover every day. Yeah, no, definitely. Learning has to be fun and interactive. And I love what Metacampus Alison's always been a big fan of us. And obviously now meeting you and talking to you. And I feel like we can definitely have a partnership where we can work together and help as many people as possible.

At the end of the day, we want to help as many people and upskill and get everyone ready for the future at work.

Absolutely. And I feel like you said, community. This is our community. And we can work together. And yeah, it's been lovely talking to you. Um, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day. Um, obviously connect with Peri Metacampus if you want to learn more about it. And yeah, thank you. Thank you. And then we'll talk again soon.

Thank you. Bye everyone. Bye.


[00:00:00] Hi everyone, welcome to our WorkTech event. So today I've got the lovely Perry, Founder and CEO of Metacampus, who'll be diving into the skills and technology to help shape the future of work. Perry, do you want to introduce yourself? Hi Nadia, um, hi everyone, uh, thanks for having me here. I'm, uh, Osprey Laperez.

I'm the founder and CEO of Metacampus, and we are a professional development hub, uh, to help, um, companies and, uh, creators and professionals to thrive in the exponential economy through the knowledge of AI, blockchain, and the metaverse. So Perry, skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, adaptability and communication are vital for the future of work.

Could you briefly explain these skills and why it's so significant to have them in day to day [00:01:00] life in the workplace? Yes, uh, absolutely. The thing is, um, we're going through a massive transition. As you know, in regards to how fast technology is evolving and, uh, and you know, the progress that we're seeing every day of, uh, of new tools coming to the market.

So now we're finding ourselves teaching, um, professionals to use those tools, but the use of those tools will become a standard, uh, in the near future, what will set people apart. It will be, uh, their creativity, uh, their ability to, uh, problem solving, uh, to really, uh, make the most of those tools, but to apply more of our human capabilities, how to manage people remotely and so on.

So that's, that's where we see the soft skills will become even more important than they are today. Um, but, uh, people have to go through this transition of, uh, fully understanding and maximizing the potential of the tools at their disposal. Yeah, definitely. Soft skills are so important, especially in the tech space.

A lot of people [00:02:00] think it's mainly technical skills. Obviously, you need these soft skills to be able to... Absolutely. Yeah, it's, it's interesting also to see the, you know, how we also thought that automation would be replacing some of the... Lower qualified, uh, jobs, uh, first and robotics, you know, has done a part of that, but now it is, uh, you know, uh, developers programming, some of content creation design, some of these are more highly skilled, but, uh, at the day.

Anything that it is created digitally, uh, that's where, uh, you know, with, uh, AI software, we can actually, um, automate or partly, uh, automate. And I think that's, uh, what one of the things that, um, people need to, uh, to understand is that, um, they should not see the tools as a threat into their capabilities of what they can achieve, but more as a benefit.

At the end of the day, we are moving towards this evolution of the [00:03:00] creator economy and then having a number of tools to create content assets, um, you know, any type of, um, creativities that you know you can think of. And then you have the blockchain as a way of automating then the transaction process. As well as then having all the community building, uh, then it enables, uh, anyone with creativity, anyone with a level of talent, uh, from home, you know, from, you know, regardless of who they are, you know, age group, uh, et cetera, uh, to really come up to the market and put something in front of, uh, you know, an audience, you know, finding that niche, finding someone who's also, you know, going to help you, you know, kind of grow your, your talent and then you probably, so the monetization options.

Thanks. Uh, for creative people, uh, and creative is no longer, you know, just purely about design, about copy, about, uh, this. I think we have to think about, you know, the creative use of technology, how you apply that to, uh, you know, uh, what is [00:04:00] consultancy, where is, uh, tech support, where is virtual event management, anything, uh, along those lines is, uh, is what we call the creative economy going forward.

Yeah, definitely. Well, like a lot of people, like I said, using AI. People are quite scared that it's going to take over jobs, but how do you feel, how do you think that we could like combined AI tools and like soft skills and how do you think we can help enhance those to help us become better workers? Yes, I think, you know, we're starting, um, especially I think the young generation, they're actually probably quite advantaged in this regard because they are digitally native.

Uh, so they are more adapted to learning new digital tools. And I think in the same way that whenever there is a new app, uh, you know, you can grasp it really fast and you can understand the potential, how people use it. And so on, um, the same will happen with, uh, with the, uh, AI tools, we find it, uh, a much harder process, [00:05:00] uh, with, uh, all the generations, uh, that they, even if they've been using, you know, um, computers for, for work or, you know, Microsoft office or any of these email, uh, packages.

But there's still the ability to learn lots of new softwares and adapt to constantly new changes and, and kind of integrate some of the software, some of the software applications to then generate better results, then that requires almost like a mindset change, you know, something that they have to be more willing to explore and to see that.

That's something that they enjoy, you know, and this is something that we're working towards to try to make this process, uh, that is absolutely necessary, but they see that something that is fun, that is entertaining, that is very rewarding, you know, from a person's, uh, from a professional as well as at the personal level.

Yeah, definitely. And like Kondo's, um, helping upskill young people, and obviously Metacamp is doing something very similar, but [00:06:00] with professionals and... older generations. So can you tell us a bit more how Metacampus is helping upskill professionals and people that are like shifting careers and how you can help enhance that and what people can do on your platform?

Um, yes, absolutely. And as you say, I think we, uh, we complement each other very well because you're preparing, you know, the younger generations for the possibilities and the jobs of the, uh, of the future, uh, while we're kind of taking care of, uh, professionals that, uh, they're already, uh, in the market, uh, and that they will be it.

Um, let's say the, um, the most effective group in kind of in the job transition, um, uh, we know from the report from the World Economic Forum, as well as many other sources that, uh, over the next few years, uh, there will be, you know, hundreds of millions of jobs being, uh, replaced, uh, through the use of, um, these, uh, technology tools, and there will be new jobs that will appear that to replace those.

Uh, [00:07:00] so we're helping professionals. Thank you. Uh, in that transition to make sure that, uh, they remain, um, competitive, uh, in regards to using those tools, uh, in their existing jobs, but also that to give them, uh, the ability to work or to refocus their career, uh, into the jobs of the future. Uh, given the case that some of the traditional jobs that we understand today, they may become obsolete in the digital, uh, economy.

Like we've seen, you know, the technical revolutions like e-commerce or, you know, web one, web two, and, and so on. This has been a nature of things that happen and we have to keep helping them. And we work, uh, both on an individual perspective as well as at the company level, uh, to make sure that, you know, the, the entire workforce, uh, can, um, you know, become really productive and, um, and continue to add value, uh, while the company is also upgrading their skills.

And to do this, what we do is, uh, we offer them, um, uh, we work on, on a flat fee, all inclusive from a membership. [00:08:00] Starting at 29. 99 per month, and that gives them access to a number of CPD certified courses, whether it's in Web3, whether it's in AI, soft skills, and so on, as well as then they access like a virtual campus where they can contribute to the community.

Create a virtual persona, use the blockchain, interact, uh, you know, in DAOs, you know, get to know other people, participate in some initiatives. Uh, we also assigned, uh, to each person where we call like an AI companion that helps, you know, it's almost like a career orientator, uh, that, uh, understands the personality and understands the skill set and continually kind of helps them refocus.

The learning materials as well as, uh, you know, what what they're best suited for in in the jobs of of the future. So so we look at providing these more holistic learning and onboarding experience. That is not just educational part. But [00:09:00] it is a lot of networking. There is a lot of, um, practical, um, experience as well as then, uh, focusing on social goods initiatives.

So how can you, um, you know, work across generations? You know, how can you be more adapted to other people's backgrounds, agendas, ages, and then, uh, you know, taking, you know, this kind of simulation role play. Which is something really important as, as we become, you know, we start creating our digital personas.

Uh, and that gives, you know, the ability for you to become whoever you want to become and not be restricted by, um, you know, your traditional background. And then also, you know, the stigmas that may be associated with that. Yeah, definitely. That's quite similar to why we use avatars on our platform. To help with that digital, um, element and having like being whoever you want, we would use avatar and try and get that bias you get on like CVs and names and stuff.

So yeah, it's very similar when you think of Metacampus [00:10:00] and like, um, Hondo to do. Um, so obviously the digital landscape is changing all the time. So how do you as a company, Metacampus contributes like being more exclusive, accessible to the world and also keeping up to date with all these skills and knowledge that are always changing.

Uh, yes. Um, uh, indeed, it is changing constantly and that forces us to stay up to date as well to make sure that not only to stay up to date, but to kind of stay ahead of what's coming so that then we can prepare the new curriculums. Um, and also we do a lot of live sessions, so we do cover the things that are happening today.

Um, we make sure that, uh, most of the content is renewed every 3 months as well, uh, so that you don't find some educational pieces that may be obsolete, uh, or already, uh, and then, um, we have, um, you know, a great network of contributors to the platform. [00:11:00] And they all live in projects, whether it's in Web3 or AI or the Metaverse, so that helps us to stay up to date with what the community is doing and how it's evolving and how it's um, plus we're immersed, you know, we live in the Metaverse, uh, we, um, you know, we're fully immersed there, we spend 20 hours a day.

Uh, just, you know, being part of communities, uh, delivering our own, uh, projects or social good initiatives using the latest technologies. Uh, we organize events, you know, we get, um, uh, leading, um, uh, you know, speakers. So we constantly learning so that we're able to constantly, uh, teach in a, you know, in a progressive, uh, in a progressive way.

But, uh, yeah, because it's never, um, you know, there is, uh, there's never a dull day in Web3. As, uh, as they call it, it's one year, like a decade in, uh, in traditional industries. Yeah, definitely. It's constantly, even us with Honda, one week will be something, the next week will change depending on the [00:12:00] environment and what's happening with the world.

Um, could you provide examples of work text tools and applications that young people can use to help enhance skills like productivity, collaboration, creativity? Uh, sure. So there are, in regards to the, uh, to the tech tools, there is some of them that, that you use more at. Um, uh, in the work environment, what people will find is tools like, uh, slack, uh, like mirror, uh, like all the entire suites of, uh, you know, of either Google or, or Microsoft.

So those tools are becoming more and more collaborative, uh, and they're all embedding ai. Into their, uh, software packages at the moment. So what I would suggest, especially for the younger generation is that, um, ahead of that integration and ahead of their incorporation into the work environment, um, then focusing in terms of using those, uh, AI tools, whether it's [00:13:00] the likes of or any of the derivatives that they, uh, that you have out there, but also, uh, from, um, mid journey or any of the tools that they use.

Uh, help you generate, uh, from, you know, text to, uh, text to voice, uh, text to image, text to video, and then, uh, get really proficient about the one to one, um, brainstorming, as I call it, more than prompting, uh, I think if you start engaging with your AI assistant. Uh, in a brainstorming sort of way, and then you start exploring, you start to see, you know, what gives you better results and so on, that will naturally help you become proficient at prompting.

Once, once you become really good at generating prompts, then once this is integrated across all the, uh, all the suite of softwares from the daily basis, um, then, um, you know, it will cost you no time. To learn to make the [00:14:00] most how to use Excel, even if you've never used Excel or how to use how to make the most of a slack, which is one of the main corporate communication channel.

And then, uh, things like, um, uh, from a public facing perspective, I think the, the likes of, uh, discord, the likes of, um. Twitter is something that is becoming truly interesting in regards to, uh, not just for, um, generating your profile as well as networking, but the amount of community tools, uh, and communication tools that they are launching, uh, in regards to, uh, the, uh, group chats, but the, uh, the generating an ecosystem of tools.

That help you really get very, uh, skilled at how algorithms understand content creation, how you can make the most of positioning, uh, your content, and then how you can start monetizing that, uh, which [00:15:00] is one of the key things about the creator economy as well. Because, uh, one thing is, as we were saying before, whether you may find, or may look for a job, But the other thing is, um, we believe that a lot of people will remain as freelancers and then they will, you know, uh, outsource their skills to different companies, but they will also find ways of monetizing their knowledge and their skill set.

So that's where, um, you need to fully grasp, you know, the, the key, uh, platforms on how to generate the community, how to generate the following, how to create a valuable content. And that people will actually engage with, which means that the algorithms will help you make sure that the next post is also viewed, you know, by more and more people and, and so on.

Yeah, no, definitely. And like, for me, obviously, Honda exists and I'm getting Metacampus exists because look at the education side, education, not helping young [00:16:00] people getting ready for the future work and having them. Get equipped for this. So how can educators integrate WorkTech tools, like you said, ChatGBT, Slack, um, Discord into their curriculum to help prepare their students for a tech driven career?

Oh. You're absolutely right. We do have an issue in terms of traditional education. Uh, it goes a lot slower than the pace of technology and changing the curriculum and grading the curriculum. Uh, it is, it takes a long time. Uh, I think the, it is important that, um, the schools do not ban the tools that they encourage an effective use of the tools, but also, I think that they're in.

To me, they should try to incorporate them in a playful way that shows the value of your own research as well. And, uh, your own learning as well. So, for example, uh, if you have to, uh, create, um, [00:17:00] develop an essay about, you know, if you're studying, let's say, marketing studies, and then you want your students to create an essay on a particular, on, um, marketing strategy for a particular brand.

Uh, of course, you know, you can now get Some of these AI tools to generate the benchmark and so on, but potentially, you know, you could divide the class and the classroom in different teams and then ask them one team to not use AI tools for this trying to beat another team that uses is allowed to use the AI tools for that particular case study and vice versa.

So they have the ability and the allowance to use. AI and make the most when they're using AI, uh, but they're also the challenge of saying, right, let's, you know, let's try to get information on qualitative data that, uh, only as humans, we can actually get the level of interpretation and critical thinking [00:18:00] and, uh, and so on that will make it better.

Then the standard that you can get with AI, which at the end of the day is still a summary of what it is already available on the Internet with, you know, a semantic interpretation of what is out there that it is, you know, automated. So you can get qualitatively, you can always be a lot better, but you need to learn the subject.

So if you learn about marketing, you use AI as a base. For then, uh, put in the finishing touches, which is, you know, your mark. And I think that's the sort of thing that would encourage students to use AI effectively. Uh, and still, you know, really study the subject. Uh, because that's what will enable them to give that plus.

If you don't allow them to use the tools, they will have to use them the moment that they leave the classroom. It's one of those things, you know, that, uh, you can, [00:19:00] you cannot delay progress. You can delay people from progressing. And that cannot be the, the, the goal of education. No, I really like the example you gave, like having a group doing a task where they use chat gbt and a group that doesn't use chat gbt and then looking at the differences and the similarities and differences and I thought that's really cool because I like I haven't looked at it that way and I feel like a lot of people like teachers Probably haven't thought of that.

And I feel like that's a nice way of integrating, seeing like the positive of using AI and then maybe some of the negatives and how you can use that to enhance your work. And I thought that's really cool. And obviously with Hondo, we've like launched our virtual work experience and we try and use AI for our virtual experience to give people tasks to do.

And it's like. It should come, like you said, obviously workplaces, the environment is changing, obviously COVID happened, we're more virtual, we're at home, remote working, but schools are still with their old traditional ways and it's time to, like, have a balance where we can bridge them [00:20:00] together and sort of get them together.

But I really like the way you use that. How about parents, like parents watching this, how can they help their children and get them ready for the future work? I think the, uh, with parents, um, There are two things that's, um, you know, of course, it's not about, you know, your kids using mobile phone or using tablets or, or the computer.

It is an everyday tool. Uh, it's going to, it's going to happen, uh, what, what we are replacing, uh, the more, let's say, analog, uh, sort of devices, um, but content, whether we watch Netflix or whether we, uh, do homework or whether we interact with friends, um, everything happens digitally, uh, these days, uh, so I think, um, the, uh, to me, parents, it is not about banning the use of mobile phone, but it is more steering them into Um, [00:21:00] Potentially fewer hours of using the likes of TikTok and more hours using tools that will actually help them learn in a very playful way.

I think that AI assistants are really important in helping kids development and understanding. Also, the personality of, uh, of each kid, uh, and understanding the amount of content that that kid has already seen in different subjects, so it can balance that. So if you know that, you know, you like, um, I don't know, Dragon Ball Z, and you like, you are into, uh, anime characters or things, uh, things like this, it's fine.

So, you know, there is an interest there. Uh, so rather than just everything being, you know, passive, watching off these characters, it can recommend a number of tools, a community that, uh, you know, that they craft, that they're artists, you know, working in this type of a style, [00:22:00] and then help you in terms of creating, you know, unlocking your creative talent.

Into this sort of area so that, uh, you make, uh, out of your interest, you make it like a hobby while learning the tools that are going to help you prepare for a job either as a graphic designer, either as a marketing person, as any other thing that, uh, that it may be. Uh, and I see the roles of this kind of AI tutors and companions.

Um, and the, uh, the parents, of course, we are from an older generation. So, it is, um, we have to embrace this. We have to know what tools are there. We do need help in terms of understanding, you know, how should I approach this? Um, because otherwise you only focus on, okay, you can only use the mobile phone 2 hours.

It's not, you know, that kid could be better off using it five hours if the use of that was more balanced than just, you know, on something that kind of keeps you glued to the screen, but then you get [00:23:00] nothing out of it. But I do understand this generational change. It's um, it's a balance. You know, we are the last generation.

Um, we are millennials, um, that, uh, we've seen, we grew up with an analog world and then we saw the, you know, the, let's say the beginning of the internet and the adoption of the internet. All the generations after us, they, they don't know. Anything before the Internet. They don't know anything before digital.

So their lifestyle is fully digitalized While the parents in this transition some of them They still see this as an addiction as something that it is not Good, you know for for for the kids. So it's helping the parents into that transition It's it's it's a big task and I think that's that's where you know, you probably We can provide some coaching or steer them in some direction, uh, to help them in this process.[00:24:00] 

And for you, as you mentioned, the generational gap, obviously, us growing up with digital and you guys having to learn through that, what advice would you give parents and even teachers or anyone older that's watching this? How can they keep up to date and how can they learn? Like, do you have any tips and advice or places they can learn?

It's um, they have to, to embrace. Innovation as a lifestyle as lifestyle of choice, not as a core, because if you think, oh, okay, now I have to study something new and that is a negative thing. Then I'll try to minimize the amount of time towards that. And I'll try to stop it as soon as I think that I know enough.

Um, but now the, the pace of change is really, it's really fast is, uh, we are in a need of constant change. So that needs this continuous, uh, upskilling. So that's why even what we're trying to do is it is continuous, um, [00:25:00] upskilling. And we're trying to convert it into a lifestyle because it has to be part of your day to day in the same way that You're always up to date.

For example, if you are into football, you're always up to date with a new season with the new players, uh, with with the change of rules, uh, et cetera, the same that you may be, uh, up to date with, um, with, with the basic, let's say, uh, um, internet services that you have from, from your mobile phone, uh, or from, uh, any type of, uh, you know, of, of content or services that, uh, uh, They're around.

Uh, so that's where, you know, people need to understand that, uh, let's say digital skills link to technology pros. Uh, it is something that it is a benefit that they would use, you know, uh, throughout their, um, uh, any areas of their life, you know, whether it's personal as well as, as professionals. So not only for the, for [00:26:00] your job, but also on a personal level, you know, trying to manage it Now, Uh, citizen without a smartphone and without Internet connection.

It is already, um, a disadvantaged citizen. Mm-hmm. there. Um, there is a lot of public services. There's a lot of day-to-day stuff that, uh, without being able to connect to internet without being able to use a smartphone, uh, you're already handicapped compared to, you know, to the rest of the relation. So it is an intrinsic part of our, uh, daily life, and it will become more as, uh, we are progressively digitalizing the rest of our society.

Yeah, definitely. And like you said, it's, it's constantly changing, but everything, every day is changing different in different industries and different environments. And I like the way you reference like football and like sports. And it's true. You keep up to date with that. It's the same thing with work and like tech and everything.

You just keep going. Um, so now back to young people. So while we were talking, [00:27:00] it came into my head about gaming. So obviously a lot of young people game, and I feel like a lot of young people don't realize that they actually. While gaming and being in groups and doing whatever they do, I feel like they don't realize that they're actually enhancing their soft skills.

Um, if possible, could you go into how gaming and like socializing and even being on social media, how that helps young people enhance those skills that they need for the future work? Yes, gaming is, is gone from a niche, you know, to a generation, as you say, to, you know, um, everything is gamified, you know, even some of the famous quotes from Elon Musk about we live in a simulation.

It is true when, when you actually, when you move into digital, when your work, you know, is through a digital interface, when your economy is digitalized, when your social interactions are digitalized, when your entertainment is [00:28:00] digitalized, this is a level of Digital simulation. This is a level of gamified social experience, and that's where we see the blend between traditional gaming with social media, with the progressive digitalization of all other aspects of our lives.

That, uh, that is where it makes, you know, everything becomes A gamified story, a gamified uh, environment. You can, you can be multiple personas. Uh, you can be, uh, whoever, you know, whichever character you want to play with. A particular group that you like, book reading, for example, on Shakespeare. And, uh, and you know that you can be someone slightly different to who you are with your best friends or who you are with, um, you know, with, uh, with your family or at work level and so on.

So, uh, it becomes, um, you know, it becomes a. A gamified, you know, multi stream story. And as you say [00:29:00] that, uh, then managing that process, uh, it's, it's really drives your soft skills. It drives your ability to, to socialize. Uh, for digital kids today, um, it's a lot easier to socialize through digital channels than it is to physical.

You know, my, my, my daughter, you know, she's just turned, uh, 18 and she's doing work experience as part of her marketing studies. on a retail shop on a, you know, uh, kind of white label, um, uh, goods. So for her, the panic was to dare to attend people real live. It was to pick up the traditional phone and, and to have that live interaction.

That's what she's learned because she's very social, but she's used to be social, uh, through the digital channels that give them that kind of level of comfort because it is almost like, um, you are gamifying that interaction while there she was, she felt she was exposed. [00:30:00] So I think that's one of the things that we, we have to make sure that while we can respect privacy, that we also prepare gamers for real life interactions as well, very important to see, and that's why we use AI to see their stress levels.

Uh, gaming can be very good, but also can be a source of anger, stress, uh, anxiety, uh, and, and so on, uh, which. It's not an issue with the game, it's an issue with anger management, it's an issue with anxiety management, and that the ability that, uh, we're able to detect. And this through the interactions, um, on, on gaming, this is something that is a benefit that we should use, uh, to then help that person, uh, work on those, uh, you know, either personality, uh, issues or areas for improvement and, and so on, as well as, you know, detecting things like, [00:31:00] uh, bullying, things like, um, you know, aggressive, um, uh, verbal behavior, uh, these sort of things that, um, we can detect at early stages.

Thank you. And then gaming can help massively into making sure that the social interactions are in line with what we become, you know, what we consider healthy. So I encourage gaming, um, uh, and then I encourage, uh, gaming as a source of understanding your potential. Understanding your, as well as your limitations, and then using that as a path was a, was a platform to then, you know, um, help you in the, in the, um, in the rest of your day-to-day life.

So it's, gaming is not, is not part of course, uh, it can become quite obsessive, but it is not the game. May not be addictive, you know, it could be a racing game, but it is more of, you know, an addictive behavior [00:32:00] may actually Come from something some other issues that they need to be treated So that's the things that we have to identify as parents as educators and and so on There is no inherent bad game as there is no inherent bad technology people they've been accusing blockchain or they've been accusing this as being Speculative of, you know, uh, really bad technology.

Technology is not bad, it's the use that you make of the technology. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's a nice way of looking at it, is how we use these applications and tools, and whether we use it for good or bad, and it's like, as an individual, it has a responsibility to use these tools and know how to use them, and what we do, and even like you said, like bullying, um, like communities, gaming, like there's a way that you need, there's rules that you need to stick by and make sure you follow.

So yeah, that was, that was interesting. So. Back to young people, one thing that I picked up on you were saying about your daughter and having like social anxiety, like going into work and [00:33:00] things, well obviously with our virtual experience, one of the things that we've seen that's quite common is when we have like, um, virtual meetings with our students, they don't put their camera on, and their camera is shy, and they don't want to talk, and you like, there's a few individuals that would, but then there's quite a lot that don't, and how do you think What advice would you give young people to become more confident in the workplace and like starting these new things and help with social anxiety and build their confidence?

The, um, it's, it's a very, um, it's, it's a new territory in regards to, because we now we have the ability to respect privacy through, uh, blockchain and, and everything. And that, that's an interesting one. When we work with artists, there's someone like on docs artists, um, but trying to remain fully on docs.

Youngsters do not realize the amount of work and limitations that will give you a IRL. Um, because, uh, yes, we then we invite them into events [00:34:00] to speak. Yes, they can speak remotely, and then they can speak through an avatar in this. But then, of course, then they want to do business. And then they want to meet some of the people from the cultural museums or from some of these parts.

But then they cannot be in the, uh, let's say in the public, uh, attending the event that we have to source then, uh, almost like secret meeting so that they can meet face to face with some of the, you know, museum directors. But, uh, so you, sometimes it seems that it's great about this privacy and, uh, and unboxing.

But actually the freedom that you can have by saying, okay, yes, um, I am. People know me, people I'm free and, uh, to talk to people and, and, and to put my face and I can create multiple personas. Some of them could be in those. Some of them could be linked, uh, to, uh, to my, uh, to my real, uh, persona. And that gives you plenty more flexibility, [00:35:00] how to get to that level.

I think that, uh, there is lots of softwares now where you can reinterpret yourself as any character. So you start with that, you start, you know, with forums that you're comfortable with, uh, it could be on the gaming, uh, it could be then some of the meetups as well, this is really important. When, um, you know, we spend a lot of time with NFT communities, we are part of lots of group chats, I've, you know, I've developed very strong emotional bonds, um, with, um, uh, with people that I don't know who they are, but, but, you know, they have enough credibility and we've been chatting day to day, but then when there is NFT London, or when there is a particular event, and then you meet in real life with some of them, The experience kind of goes to, um, a higher level and that, uh, bonding, it really becomes something stronger.

Uh, and then you realize that it doesn't [00:36:00] matter. I can be 48, someone else can be 24, you know, a man, a woman, doesn't matter the race, the age. And nothing matters because the good thing about undock, uh, doxxing, oh sorry, or remain undoxed, or, or private, is the fact that you eliminate bias. And, um, and once you've developed that relationship and have eliminated the product, that barrier, then when you meet each other, everything is positive.

Yeah. Everything. Uh, so I think that's, you know, you have to start breaking those barriers as well. Mm-hmm. , get yourself comfortable with the community that you know, you, your, your day-to-day makes you, uh, to be addressed. That at some point you can do a video call, or at some point you can meet up for a drink, or to do an activity together, or to be at NFT London.

Otherwise, they will never be able to attend the same event, you know, if everyone remains so private. And that's a limiting factor. Rather than freedom. [00:37:00] Yeah, that's a really good way of looking at it, like, you're limiting yourself by not having that, and like, networking, communicating, like, all that helps you progress as well as an individual growth, but also in your career as well, and like, networking and being around people who are the same as you, and like, but even like the, um, web free space, like the NIT communities, there's different communities you can join about different things, and I think that's like, The best part about web free, which I really like that you can find people, the same interests, same hobbies.

And how do you feel like young people can use like the idea of community? Cause obviously, like we said, gaming, you have like your friends where you all communicate, you could be, I could be here. Someone could be like in America and we can communicate and just building those relationships. What advice would you give young people to start building those community and building those aspects where they can group together with people that like stuff and help.

I think it's very important to find an area of commonality or common [00:38:00] ground, shared interest. That's the most important thing. So if you are a creator, digital creator, uh, or, you know, you are into, um, Then start blending into community of digital artists and collectors, uh, and then find either by following some of the artists or some collections that include, uh, NFTs from different artists.

So you're constantly learning about new people, uh, and so on. I think that's the messaging is, it is important. Uh, there is also. Areas of specialization. So if you're more into programming or more into AI, you know, you can find yourself space into generative art groups or, uh, you know, to using programming for visual stories or things like this.

If you are more into the gaming fights, uh, stories. There's plenty, there's plenty of gamification tools. Some of them more like, uh, building things socially, others more of competitive, uh, gaming. [00:39:00] But, um, there are plenty of, uh, there's plenty of collections that they're just about, you know, even on S4s, you know, there is, uh, Wakme, which is this, uh, NFT collection that, that both, I think it was, uh, I can't remember this, uh, second division or what you call a first division football club in, uh, in England and, and there, and of course, if you're like football, then, uh, that could be an easy way of having, you know, chats that, you know, you know, the subject, you know, you're already up to date, you're comfortable, you know, talking to people about, uh, about these things, uh, and so on, and then start developing those sort of, uh, friendships.

Thank you. And you find yourself that maybe, uh, there, there will be, um, you know, um, an FA Cup, uh, match where your team is going to play with the team of someone else that within the group, so that will enable you to meet a one to one or a one to four or, you know, that sort of thing that will kind of break those, [00:40:00] uh, those barriers.

And I think that's, it is finding us, I think it's really important that, uh, You find the space that you either you hobby, the space that you want to grow into, uh, that you have that, uh, uh, interest, uh, and then, you know, start small. There is always, you, you never expose yourself to 10, 000 people. There's always lots of subgroups, uh, there, uh, within that, uh, community because people are very different and they end up, you know, almost in these clusters.

Uh, even if they're, they all belong to the same community, but some of those group, um, group chats, they talk about trading, while other group chats, they talk about cars, uh, but they're all, let's say, from this MFR community, you know, it is fine, and, and some of them. You know, they're, uh, Chinese there and they have their own clusters because then the language, then they kind of speak locally.

Uh, you find this, this thing as well. We know we have one of the group chats that I mean, there is the European, uh, MFS [00:41:00] in a way, uh, you know, in, in a community that is mostly dominated by us, then you, you find yourself aligned. With, you know, with, uh, European, um, uh, people, because then there are certain topics, you know, that they're, they're closer to home and that, that kind of, and you're always more comfortable when you're talking in a group of 20, 30 people in a group of 500.

Uh, and I think that's, it is part of then discovering and then do not be worried about exploring and that's, uh, and that is where. Creating your alternative persona, your, what do you call your alt account? It's something that really helps to explore the world safely without exposing yourself and then finding the places that you're comfortable with.

And then you'll start revealing more and more. We have a meetup. We may go for dinner, 10 people in London. Of course there we meet face to face, but then when we take a picture, we all [00:42:00] put the NFT on the face and then we put it on the social media. So, it is fine, you're still not exposing yourself to the world, but you've not had the limitation of, oh, I cannot meet them, uh, for dinner because otherwise I'm revealing myself.

It is fine. People respect that. You know? So, that's, it's finding that. kind of hybrid, uh, sort of, um, uh, social gathering and, uh, and between the digital world and, and the physical world. And it's beautiful. It is, uh, it is actually, uh, it is beautiful because you'll end up meeting people from all over the place.

And that multiculturality, uh, it is very enriching. And that means that whenever you travel, there will always be someone you can meet. Uh, there was always, I keep meeting, I am from Barcelona. And, uh, and whenever people that from the communities I am, they travel to Barcelona, you know, we always meet up and then one to one for, for a coffee, for, uh, something.

So you end up [00:43:00] getting to know and getting to meet, uh, over time, plenty of, uh, interesting people and the same when you, when you travel around. Yeah. So. Oh, that's really interesting. That's really nice. Yeah. It's like having that. Obviously you have a digital avatar, but then you also have your physical and you shouldn't let that stop you and you have boundaries.

Like I said, people respect your boundaries. That's the good thing, like, when you're in the workplace and when you're older, you have those boundaries where people do respect them and you can be who you want and feel comfortable. And like I said, when you find your group of people, then that's it. You feel comfortable, you can do whatever you want, and you just, like, do it together.

We're running out of time! I'm finding this so interesting! Um, so we're gonna wrap up. One last question. In a rapidly changing work environment, what skills do you think are most likely to be in demand in the next two to five years? The skills, um, I think what, say, Is the [00:44:00] ability. Um, so everyone will have to be tech savvy.

That's, that's almost, uh, it becomes a non skill. It becomes something that it is a requirement. Uh, like it is now that you have to know how to use an email or how to use, uh, you know, the Microsoft office package that is not a skill that is actually, if you don't know that, then you cannot access, uh, most, uh, jobs.

Uh, so, you know, I think that's the, um, taking that as granted, I think then the skills on, um, on, on creativity, on, um, on really, uh, socializing on, uh, on, on connect the ability to connect with, uh, with people from, uh, different communities and also, uh, the ability to, uh, connect. The different technologies as well, uh, for an entire workflow.

So how the blend of, uh, blockchain, uh, with, um, AI, uh, with anything related to, let's say, spatial computing with all the [00:45:00] interfaces and, and so on. Uh, so how you provide a service, uh, whether it's through, you know, augmented reality through virtual reality, through mobile phone, uh, how you keep that as, as a seamless experience.

Uh, that is how brands will evolve in the, in the future. So understanding that, you know, how to, how you can market there, how you can, uh, you know, provide a communication, how you provide the relevant content, how these things, uh, I think the, I would go more for more specialized micro, uh, learning in terms of courses that, um, more generalistic and long term, because if you go now into like a five year.

Sort of, um, even like a, um, we have marketing communications degree, uh, what you're studying over those five years, you know, that 70 percent of that is not relevant. And in five years it's changing so fast that it is almost, [00:46:00] uh, the ability to do models about. You know, um, what's the marketing or, you know, um, how to, uh, how to, you know, how to talk to, uh, you know, to unbox a consumers, you know, how to, so I think all of that, let's say more up to date, specialized and short, uh, type of training, uh, is what, you know, the, um, um, where people should.

Be more valuable when they get the job. And also, I think is that it is using the finding yourself comfortable with an AI companion as your career orientator and your advisor. Uh, that will be something that, uh, will become, uh, the drone because. Completely up to date information about, okay, what sort of new jobs are coming to the market?

What sort of skills? What have you learned? The system will know already what you've learned and what else you need to learn. So that [00:47:00] gives you the ability to reap the rewards of new jobs where, you know, they're more aligned to what you've already been investing as a hobby, as a part of your day to day.

Well, Perry, it's been lovely speaking to you. Um, I want to carry on this conversation with you, so I'll have you again to come join us. So how can everyone connect with you and keep up to date with you? Do you want to share your socials and your website? Yeah, um, absolutely. Um, my, uh, socials and, you know, I am ReadyPlayerOne, uh, from, uh, the famous, uh, book and, uh, and later movie.

Uh, so, uh, Twitter, my Twitter handle is, uh, ReadyPlayerOne, uh, and then. On LinkedIn is, um, I think you can find me for Pera Perez and then at, um, metacampus. ai. That's where, um, that's where we are based, you know, uh, in essence. But, uh, yeah, I'm ready and, uh, very happy to talk to you. Uh, really glad about what, uh, what you're doing.[00:48:00] 

You know, when we found about your service with, uh, with Allison. Actually, we were both really happy because we knew we were not able to cater for that younger market. You know, it's, you cannot do, you know, everything for everyone. Uh, so we, we had to choose this, um, but we thought there is always, you know, the need.

You know, for that previous step and I think that what you guys are doing is, uh, it's great. And then, you know, where we think we have many areas that we can complement each other and then we can help also that your younger students as they progress towards the job marketplace and so on, you know, so almost they can transition from one thing to the other because It is As we were saying, you know, learning has to be adopted as a lifestyle, you know, it is continuous learning and, uh, continuous exploring and then, uh, and enjoying the, uh, the, the journey.

[00:49:00] It's, it's fascinating, you know, how, you know, the new things that we find, we discover every day. Yeah, no, definitely. Learning has to be fun and interactive. And I love what Metacampus Alison's always been a big fan of us. And obviously now meeting you and talking to you. And I feel like we can definitely have a partnership where we can work together and help as many people as possible.

At the end of the day, we want to help as many people and upskill and get everyone ready for the future at work.

Absolutely. And I feel like you said, community. This is our community. And we can work together. And yeah, it's been lovely talking to you. Um, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day. Um, obviously connect with Peri Metacampus if you want to learn more about it. And yeah, thank you. Thank you. And then we'll talk again soon.

Thank you. Bye everyone. Bye.

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